What challenges are there in expeditions?
- Vehicles that have fewer accessories than they counted when they entered the fleet.
- All the check out information is scattered, which slows down its management.
How does Authemis help you with the expedition of vehicles?
All data in one single place
Within the same platform they are registered units issued, date of issue, CMR, carrier information and scan of documentation such as delivery notes.
They foresee the payment of elements not coming
Thanks to taking damage for dispatch, you will know in what exact conditions your vehicle come out of your fleet.
We invite you to see a sample of how the expeditions with Authemis

On this screen, you can see
how to add vehicles to
delivery note.
In this phase, we record the number of
CMR, the signatures and the image of the

What does an Authemis customer say?
Before we did our own appraisals. Many resources were required and the final cost was very high. Now there is greater use of our resources for other functions and a clear improvement of our image in fleet sales. It has also given us more transparency in sales, greater agility and immediacy in fleet appraisals and a more professional image.
Responsible for exports and buy-back fleets
I remember before as a physically and mentally exhausting time that gave me a lot of experience to broaden my vision. After using Authemis, you have the experience of knowing what you are doing with a broad vision, so you can analyze the data and have time to achieve better results. The information that the tool has allows you to negotiate with manufacturers from another perspective and optimize the final results.
Goldcar member