Insures the collection of damages of a vehicle at the end of the rental contract
Take an instant over-the-counter appraisal during the return

Insures the collection of damages of a vehicle at the end of the rental contract

Take an instant over-the-counter appraisal during the return

What obstacles arise in counter appraisal?
What obstacles arise in counter appraisal?
- Traditional appraisals can take hours or days to complete.
- If the damage assessment does not occur during the return of the rental vehicle, there is a greater risk of not receiving the payment.
- Very common situation among foreign clients.
How does Authemis help you with your counter ratings?
Get appraisals in less than 10 minutes
Ensures the collection of damages with the fastest appraisal in the market. Which helps prevent possible subsequent claims.
Make exact charges and at the moment
Especially useful for foreign customers, it avoids waiting and obstacles to collect the exact amount.
Remote and easy assessment
Vehicle damage is entered into the system and the platform performs the calculation automatically.
How does the over-the-counter valuation work with Authemis?
The client rents a vehicle for a period of time and some contractual conditions.
The customer delivers the vehicle, it is inspected at the same time by the rental using the Authemis Checkin Rac App. In the event of new damages, once the check-in is finished, the rental has the option of requesting an assessment or not from Authemis. Authemis will return within an acceptable period of time, a damage assessment for the collection of damages to the customer. Damages are recorded for subsequent rentals.
If the vehicle requires repair, an OR can be made to the selected workshop.
Once the vehicle has been repaired, it will return to the rental circuit, recording the repaired items in the system.