Know the location of each vehicle in your facilities

Save time by registering the location of the
vehicle with a mobile phone


Know the location of each vehicle in your facilities

Save time by registering the location of the
vehicle with a mobile phone

Hombre con reloj en mano

Why are there challenges with the location?

How does the Authemis platform help you in the location of your vehicles?

Streamline location management

Quickly and easily with a mobile you can register the location of each vehicle.

Avoid mistakes with a map of your facilities

All the information on the movements of your vehicles is accessible visually and digitally.

Identify available places with a look

Make faster decisions when choosing the following locations.

How does the management of the site with Authemis?

Mass creation of locations

Upload all new locations in bulk via import.

Modify locations

Register or modify the location of the vehicle from any device.

Clear view display

Quickly, clearly and easily view the location of vehicles and their basic information.

What does an Authemis customer say?